Q:How to change file permission modes

A:CHMOD is a pretty simple concept once you get the hang of it. I promise. CHMOD is the method RaidenFTPD utilizes to control the mode operand. The mode of a file or a directory dictates its permissions.
The mode is specified as an absolute value (an octal number for the truly geeky) and is specified as nnn, where n is a number from 0 to 7. The mode may have any of following values:

400 (R-- --- ---) Allow read by owner.

200 (-W- --- ---) Allow write by owner.

100 (--X --- ---) Allow delete by owner.

700 (RWX --- ---) Allow read, write, and delete by owner.

040 (--- R-- ---) Allow read by group.

020 (--- -W- ---) Allow write by group.

010 (--- --X ---) Allow delete by group.

070 (--- RWX ---) Allow read, write, and delete by group.

004 (--- --- R--) Allow read by others.

002 (--- --- -W-) Allow write by others.

001 (--- --- --X) Allow delete by others.

007 (--- --- RWX) Allow read, write, and delete by others.

Do you understand the pattern? Let me recap for you. The first of the three numbers applies to the owner. The second number applies to users that are in the same group as the owner. The third number applies to everyone else (aka people in a different group from the owner). The owner of a file or directory is usually the person that made that file/directory.

A value of 0 indicates NO permissions. 1 allows delete. 2 allows write. 4 allows read. The values add together, so that 6 is 4+2, allowing read and write access...

ex: site chmod 775 * this gives the owner read, write, and delete access. Users in the owner's group will also have read, write, and delete access. Everyone else will have read and delete access.

ex: site chmod 760 john.mp3 this will change the permissions for john.mp3 to mode 760 (owner has read, write, and delete. Members of the same group have read and write access, and everyone else has NO permissions). Comprendes?

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