Q : How to enable ANY USERNAME support

A : To enable any username support is not a very secured way of running a ftp site , however it is sometimes required , to enable ANY USERNAME support in RaidenFTPD , you need to do the following settings

#1 RaidenFTPD version check

It has to be newer than v2.4 build 318

#2 Edit RaidenFTPD.ini

Run raidenftpd.exe at least once for it to generate it automatically , and the look for the entry


change to


#3 Restart or reload your server configuration file

Simply restart it

#4 Create userfile entry for ANY USERNAME ACCOUNT

Goto user and group editor , create a named account with the username _ANYUNAME_

1. the user level field of this account is ignored by server , it is always guest level

2. the comment field of this account is ignored by server , it is always [any user name]

3. all operation by this account will be logged under _ANYUNAME_ , all files upload/download by this account will not cause the user file to be updated

#5 Try it out

Now when you use a ftp client to login , and if you input anything as username (which can not be mapped as an existing user account) , you will see the password prompt as the following

331 Password required for _ANYUNAME_ .

That's ALL


REVISION 2.4 , 2003/03/13

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