中英翻譯 - 您已經有中文的網站, 現在想要透過網路做全世界的生意嗎? 一個英文網站是您絕對不可缺乏的行銷利器. 網頁翻譯一定要由專業人士來進行, 絕不能夠透過免費翻譯網站來自動翻譯, 那翻出來的東西不但不能看, 還會讓老外笑掉大牙.

網站中英翻譯或是英中翻譯光靠傳統的翻譯社可能會出很大的問題, 因為翻譯的人員可能並非IT背景出身, 對於一些專業名詞的了解更是缺乏, 村榮資訊新推出的英文翻譯網站服務就是針對廣大的新世代網路業者所量身打造的中英翻譯服務.

村榮資訊具備網頁設計的專才, 並整合旅美15年以上, 具IT背景及英語教學能力之華裔翻譯專業人士來為您的網站作中翻英, 以及英翻中的服務, 我們的網頁翻譯服務具有以下的優勢:

  1. 交貨快速, 免費估價: 估價申請連結
  2. 專業旅美華人為您作最正確, 最道地的翻譯
  3. 中英文網站SEO關鍵字最佳化
  4. 詳細考證, 確保您的專業字彙獲得正確的翻譯

Website Translation:
Chinese-To-English Translation: For those of you who have already got a grip of Chinese market on the Internet, I assure that you also would like to expand your business to a vast potential global scale through the Internet, right??What you essentially need is a professionally customized English website in your marketing campaign.?Here is a tip: Your website content must be translated professionally and ought not to be done by those free websites with automated translation engines. Those freebies often give you outcomes that not only end up awkwardly but also jeopardize your valuable global business by laughing away your potential international buyers.

Vantage Translation Services Webpage:
Either Chinese-To-English of English-To-Chinese website translation through those traditional translation service agencies may cause a few problems.?Their translators may not have the knowledge to IT fields and thus may accidentally mistranslate those terminologies shown on your website.?To help the majority of Internet business owners in this upcoming new era, Raiden Infotech offers the Vantage Translation Services (VTS) web service which individually customizes your Chinese-To-English or English-To-Chinese website toward its perfection: WYSIWYG.

Raiden Infotech Website VTS
(Vantage Translation Service)
Raiden Infotech offers a full package of both professional webpage designing service and accurate webpage translation service from Chinese to English or vice versa.?Our staffs are specially and professionally trained in their respective fields such as English, art design, programming, networking and marketing.?Along with the service, there come a number of advantages as the following:

  1. Deadline Guarantee; Free quotation; Click here for a quote!
  2. Our translation staffs are all Chinese Americans who know both Chinese and English well so to pick the best wording for
  3. your web contents upon translation.
  4. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on Chinese and English search engine websites.
  5. Terminology verification as always upon translation ensuring the precise word usage.

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著作權所有 ©村榮資訊有限公司 (Team Johnlong software), 統一編號 27837018, 地址 No.10-2, Ln. 112, Guoguang St., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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