RaidenFTPD: FTP server software for Windows 7 and XP | FTP server | 2024-10-22
contact raidenftpd team
If you lost your registration files, or wish to request for a license key update due to computer name changes, please make use the following form to request for a new license key.
PS. Sorry but If you don't have any of the following items, we can not proceed your request.
1. SWREG order number
2. PAYPAL transaction id
3. Exact E-Mail address used to register

RaidenFTPD lost registration / license key change application form
 Your primary E-Mail box
 Your secondary E-Mail box
 SWREG order number or PAYPAL
 transaction id
 E-Mail used to register if You
 don't have the order number
 Computer name&machine id
 Other comment
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