A : The RaidenFTPD FTP server can handle file level ownership which can not be found easily on other FTPD products for Windows , however it was not easy to get these information externally by 3rd party scripts , and now we are glad to offer this RaidenModeX Active-X control to FTP scripts authors for FREE ! Step1 : download the RaidenModeX Active-X control from here Step2 : Installation Extract ModeX.zip into a dir (better be your project dir with a fixed location) , and register the component , type regsvr32 RaidenModeX.ocx in the command prompt Step3 : Open your project , insert this active-x into your project Example for Microsoft Visual C++ 1.Open your project file 2.Pick any dialog resource and click the right mouse button->insert activex control 3.Find RaidenModeX Control and click OK 4.Under the same dialog resource , clicl right mouse button and launch Class wizard 5.Click the member variables tab , find the control id IDC_RAIDENMODEXCTRL1 , and click Add variable button 6.Now the MSVC will ask you if you want to generate a C++ Wrapper class for it , click YES 7.When the Add Member Variable dialog box appears , enter a proper name for it , such as m_modex 8.Now goto the .CPP source file and include the generated RaidenModeX.h header file 9.Supposing you have exported this control name as m_modex (well this is your job) 10.If you have file called xxx.zip , under e:\temp , and it was uploaded via RaidenFTPD system , there should be a .raidenftpd.acl file under e:\temp 11.To get the information of this file , simply use the component's method 'SetFilePath'
12.After you call this method , the following properties become available
13.To set the information of a file/dir , simply use the component's method 'Chmod'
14.Note to the Visual Basic Users 1. Attach OCX as a component and place on form. 2. Initiate SetFilePath(path\file) method. 3. If returns TRUE, the owner, group, complete, free, mode, and errormsg properties are already updated (no need to initiate another GETXXX() method). Calling that second methods were what I was confused about. It seems there is no need in VB to do that since the properties are auto filled if TRUE. Thanks. Warning : License Agreements Licensing
the RaidenModeX ActiveX control for distribution The RaidenModeX ActiveX control The RaidenModeX ActiveX control package allows you to include RaidenModeX.ocx in your 32-bit Windows applications, and to distribute these applications royalty-free if the following requirements are satistifed . 1:You can only distribute it with any software packages that supports RaidenFTPD , not including FTP server packages 2.You must notify RaidenFTPD team before you distribute this activex control 3.You must put a copyright notice for this component in your readme file or software's about page copyright owner : (C) RaidenFTPD team , 2002-2005 4.Absolutely
no warranty , if you use it or distribute it with your software package
, you agree to use it with your own risk |
REVISION 2.4 , 2004/01/28